

Every person has a story that begins with their family history...

Get inspired by your unique family story.

Learn about your family members that are just like you

See photos, documents, and signatures from your family.

Your HistorY. YOUR personal DOcumentary


Discover Your History
Your Genealogy Made Simple

Your family goes back generations and we know just where to look to uncover their stories. With thousands of documents at our fingertips, we comb through the records your ancestors left behind and use the latest advancements in genetic research to analyze secrets in your DNA that's been hidden for generations.

We do the research, you enjoy your family's story. 

Let us be your expert guide discovering your history

We are expert puzzle-solvers able to locate and verify documents that will connect your family to you. And once we know their stories, we create a custom digital movie and photo album for you to watch, enjoy, and share with your family.

Help understanding DNA tests.

Help finding family members

Learning more about where you came from

See your family's history as part of world history

Solving family puzzles with DNA & research

Discovering new things about your ancestors.

Got A Genealogy Goal?
We ve Got You Covered
Andre Lamothe
Meet Your Genealogist

André Lamothe has 20+ years of extensive genealogical research experience. He has helped hundreds of people discover their family's genealogy. Through his findings, he has helped people find lost relatives, adoptees discover their biological family, and helped individuals find parts of their family's stories previously unknown. Being able to read in 3 languages have helped him find genealogical documentation from several countries in Europe, the Caribbean, and the United States. He's even traveled internationally to see what can be uncovered. His passion for helping people discover their family history began with the excitement he felt in uncovering his own roots. André is a leader of the Haitian Genealogical Society, a moderator of the Haitian and Saint-Domingue Genealogy group, and has presented at the Haitian-American Museum of Chicago.


Don't know anything about your family history? No problem. That's where our expertise in puzzle solving comes in. You tell us what you know, and we do the rest! 

genealogy made Simple. 

Get inspired by your unique family story.

Step 1.
You book a package

Discovering your history starts by selecting a package. We offer several packages for  various genealogy goals so you can choose the one that best fits what you most desire to learn about your family history.

Step 2.
We contact you to schedule a call. 

Once you selected a package, we will contact you to schedule your consultation call to discuss your genealogy goals and tell us more about your family.

Step 3.
You fill out a questionnaire

You tell us what you know about your family and we do the rest. Even if only know one name of one person in your family history, that's enough for us to build your entire tree. We will also send you a DNA test to help with our research. 

Step    .
We send your family findings.

We send you access to your family tree, DNA results, a digital movie presentation explaining your family's unique story, a digital album of any records and images found in the research process, as well as a detailed report of your family's history. All items can be kept for future generations and shared with other family members to enjoy.



We do the research...

so you can enjoy your family s story.

Discover your history



We do the research, you enjoy your family story. 

Let us be your expert guide discovering your history. For Custom Packages unique to your needs, contact me now



Before working with Andre, I was hoping to learn more stories about my grandparents and great grandparents, interesting fact, things we have in common, how I came to be who I am I knew my moms dad was Italian and my dads dad was Scottish. After his research, I learned that my Italian grandparents were brave and traveled so far and long to get to America. Through his research, I learned that we haven’t been in America for that long 1-2 generations before me. I was inspired to learn about my great grandparents young life - traveling alone and making it work. - Samantha 

"There is more to your family tree than who is on it.

family History discovered 
There are lost family stories that can be found

I didn't know a lot about my family history prior to Andre's research. Through Andre's research, and my DNA, he was able to find 4 biological children from my great uncle that our family did not know about. One of my great uncle's daughters was adopted and had been trying to find her biological father for over 50 years. Through Andre's research, he was able to confirm my great uncle was her bio father. I was able to get in contact with her and make her life long dream of finding her biological father come true. - JS

"Andre's research and

family History discovered 
 His dedication to honoring my ancestors stories is truly inspiring.

on a scale of one to ten, how excited are you to have me do your family genealogy?

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tell me about your family.

Lets get started
and discover your family history 

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